Friday, November 19, 2010

Does this PT belt make me look fat?

So, the Army called me fat this morning.

Failing the weight section of this morning PT's test was most definitely a low point for me. I maxed my push-ups, though. Went from just barely capable of performing the minimun (19 reps) to being able to knock out 42. Also, I did 76 sit-ups--more than respectable--and pretty well on my run. All in all, I ended up with a 274 of of 300. That puts me in the top 90 percent.

Still, I weigh too much.

I don't look like I weight 146 (which is what the scale said I weighed at 6 AM). I really don't. But, I guess I carry it well. Anyway, I need to be 141. My goal is to hit 135; that way I can be comfortable and not worry about just going over. That means, between now and the middle of January (our next PT test), I need to lose 11 pounds. Doable? Maybe.

I feel that cutting carbs will be the best way to go. I need to lose weight without losing strength.

My favorite things (all of which will be forcibly removed from my diet):

1) Pasta

2) Bread

3) Corn

4) Potatoes

5) Fried foods

Those foods pretty much make up my meals here at WashU. Lifestyle changes suck, but it's a necessity now. I don't really have much of a choice.

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